Ep238: The Dickasode – LMAYAQ

Episode 238 The Dickasode LMAYAQ podcast

On this 238th episode of LMAYAQ, Producer EJ again takes up hosting duties and asks: What is a cartoon character from each decade that you’ve lived through that you wish you were, or can relate to? Joined by the Gregaman, expect some animated nerdery on this episode of Let Me Ask You A Question! 

Let Me Ask You A Question PodcastLet Me Ask You A Question is a weekly podcast where host Anthony poses various inquiries and sometimes entertains you…sometimes. Joined by Moot.tv regulars Producer EJ and the Gregaman, Anthony asks questions to push his ideas to the limit and create hilarity along the way. Find us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Reddit, and TikTok, or leave us a message or text at (929) 352-6173.

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