EPISODE 11 – Dance Video BTS – the Derek D Dozen

EPISODE 11 - Dance Video BTS – the Derek D Dozen

On this episode of The Derek D Dozen things get flipped around and Derek D’s producer, co-writer, and good buddy Alan “AK” Kaufman interviews Derek D about a recent video where Derek D plays 5 different dancers all dancing at the same time! Not only was he each dancer, but he did all the pre and post-production for the video. Watch the video (in the links) and then listen to find out how he did it!

Relevant Links
Dance video on YouTube – https://youtu.be/g8WroJnqXPc
Dance video on Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/tv/CAGASyPgTgE/
Dance video on Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/thederekd/videos/373662160250316/
Alan Kaufman Instagram – @alankaufman
The Derek D Dozen on Instagram: @DerekDDozen
Derek D’s Instagram: @derekdeangelis
Derek D Official Site – www.derekd.com

The Derek D Dozen is an all new podcast hosted by award winning actor/comedian/host Derek D (www.derekd.com)! It’s a 12 minute podcast and that’s it, well, 12 minutes and change, but the episodes will NEVER go into the 13 minute mark. It’s a quick hit folks and every episode will be just about one topic. Could be anything from my life, the entertainment industry, funny stories, current events, TV shows, climbing trees, who knows, you’ll just have to tune in to find out! There will be guests on the show as well, and when that happens the topic will be THE GUEST! The Derek D Dozen is on all major podcast platforms so listen and subscribe wherever you get your podcast fix, and follow the show on Instagram @DerekDDozen. Thanks for coppin my stayles!
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