KMWSU! S5E2 – A Raw Joe

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Season Five of Kyle Moucha Won’t Shut Up! the music keeps on rolling in the second episode of KMWSU! Season Five! The boys are joined by friend, podcaster, and musician Sean Arawjo to discuss life and teaching music virtually in the world of Covid. Sean lends his flute to the latest Brunch Weekly Original Single “Living Out His Hell (Over and Over Again), plus some killer punk rock from Seattle’s The Scoffs! It’s a roaring good old time!!

To reach out about music lessons and more check out Sean’s website at To check out Sean and Dave Make Music go here, or search wherever you listen to podcasts. To listen to Not Movies go here or search wherever you listen to podcasts. To listen to Sean’s solo music, check him out on Bandcamp here.

Kyle Moucha and friends gather to discuss, at great length, all things pop culture and entertainment. It’s fun, it’s stupid, it’s stupid fun. Follow KMWSU on YouTube (Live Tuesdays at 9pm), Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. From

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