LMAYAQ Ep168: Pan-Flute Penis Sound

LMAYAQ Ep168: Pan-Flute Penis Sound

On this episode of LMAYAQ, co-host the Greaman asks, if you were on the streets of a New York watching a Peruvian pan-flute player and had to choose one of the following, which would you choose: Punch him in the face, break his pan-flute, give him all the money in your bank account. There is a large crowd assembled and there may be curses involved. Joined by Moot.tv regulars Producer EJ and Host Anthony, expect more “show time” on this episode of Let Me Ask You A Question.

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LMAYAQ Ep167: Tickling the Soft Spot

LMAYAQ Ep167: Tickling the Soft Spot

On this episode of LMAYAQ host Anthony posits: say it’s the Cold War and you’re captured by the KGB and they are going to torture you but they say, “what kind of music do you want to hear?” What would you put on for your torture session? Joined by Moot.tv regulars Producer EJ and, in the second half, the Gregaman, expect more music clips on this episode of Let Me Ask You A Question.

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LMAYAQ Ep166: Tip Your Mail Carrier with Nick

On this episode of LMAYAQ with special and recurring guest Nick, Producer EJ asks: what song from your past that you now consider a guilty pleasure or “bad” has made an impact on you? Do you have a story or a moment in time related to the song? Joined by Moot.tv regulars Host Anthony and the Gregaman, expect drunken discourse on this episode of Let Me Ask You A Question.

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LMAYAQ Ep165: Completely Burned Off Scrotum

On this episode of LMAYAQ with special and recurring guest Nick, host Anthony asks two questions: How long would it take to burn completely through a scrotum with a lighter? And, if you had to get a full sleeve dick tattoo what would you get? Joined by Moot.tv regular Producer EJ, expect discussions of “master pieces” on this episode of Let Me Ask You A Question.

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LMAYAQ Ep164: Fear

LMAYAQ Ep164: Fear

On this episode of LMAYAQ, Producer EJ takes the reigns as Question Master and asks: when in your life have you felt fear? Try to stay away from death and disease of yourself and/or loved ones. How did you feel in those moments? Joined by Moot.tv regulars Host Anthony and the Gregaman, expect diarrhea-days-off on this episode of Let Me Ask You A Question.

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LMAYAQ Ep163: The Magic V

On this episode of LMAYAQ Host Anthony asks: do you feel as though when you’ve made love to a women it has put enough pep-in-your-step to change the trajectory of your life? Would you say that “P” was magic? Joined by Moot.tv regulars the Gregaman and Producer EJ, libidinal debating on this episode of Let Me Ask You A Question.

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LMAYAQ Ep162: Citizen’s Arrest

LMAYAQ Ep162: Citizen's Arrest

On this episode of LMAYAQ Host Anthony asks: if you were on your way to a non-Halloween costume party dressed as a police officer and you witnessed a crime, would you be more likely to help? What if you were dressed as a superhero? Joined by Moot.tv regular Producer EJ, expect dubious intentions on this episode of Let Me Ask You A Question.

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LMAYAQ Ep161: Shit’n Into A Bounce House

LMAYAQ Ep161: Shit'n Into A Bounce House

On the first episode of LMAYAQ in the new year Host Anthony asks: if there were no laws for the next week what kind of stuff would you do? Joined by Moot.tv regular the Gregaman, expect a Hossome time on this episode of Let Me Ask You A Question.

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