White Wasabi Ep13: Sword Art Online Ep 13 “Edge of Hell’s Abyss”

White Wasabi

This week on the podcast known as White Wasabi, SENSEIM@CH, EJ-5000, and Gregaman discuss the thirteenth episode of Sword Art Online, “Edge of Hell’s Abyss.” Confusing energy bars, working together, goofy fishing, and a bad-ass battle are all discussed, but not before some non-tangentials and sidetracked hilarity.

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White Wasabi Ep12: Sword Art Online Ep 12 “Yui’s Heart”

White Wasabi

This week on White Wasabi, SENSEIM@CH, EJ-5000, and Gregaman discuss the tenth episode of Sword Art Online, “Yui’s Heart.” The boys discuss how weird Yui is even after her revelation, Kirito’s blase way of telling people not to do things, calling things hearts that are clearly not, and much, much more.

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