This week on the podcast known as White Wasabi, SENSEIM@CH, EJ-5000, and Gregaman discuss the thirteenth episode of Sword Art Online, “Edge of Hell’s Abyss.” Confusing energy bars, working together, goofy fishing, and a bad-ass battle are all discussed, but not before some non-tangentials and sidetracked hilarity.
Podcast (white-wasabi): Play in new window
Episode Notes and Helpful Things:
Break Music – Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (NES) – Overworld 1
“You Bastaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrdddd!”
Reboot Your Animation Skellepedaton!
Deceiving Energy Bar
White Wasabi is a weekly podcast where SENSEIM@CH, EJ-5000, and the Gregaman take you through an episodic journey of your favorite anime series with a sense of wonder and a sense of humor. Starting with Sword Art Online and featuring occasional guest, White Wasabi brings interesting thoughts to a moot conversation.