KMWSU! – S3 E3 – Happy Birthday Paul McCartney, Jesus Christ!

Kyle Moucha Wont Shut Up

On this episode of Kyle Moucha Won’t Shut Up! Kyle turns 33 and Zach and Justin couldn’t care less. It’s a very self centered episode as one of Kyle’s oldest friends and former band mates, Micah Harrison, joins to reminisce on their shared past including a 13 year old song from their former group mysteadybackfire. Featuring an all new Brunch weekly original single about how Jesus should’ve whooped the naysayers’ asses after his resurrection… yeah, it’s weird.

Kyle Moucha and friends gather to discuss, at great length, all things pop culture and entertainment. It’s fun, it’s stupid, it’s stupid fun. Follow KMWSU on YouTube (Live Tuesdays at 9pm), Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. From

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