Let Me Ask You A Question Ep7: Human Stuff

Let Me Ask You A Question Ep7: Human Stuff

Anthony asks the age old question, would you eat meat out of a bucket labeled “Human Meat”? What if it looked really good? What if you knew the guy who’s leg-meat if was and you could have a conversation with him? Joined by Moot.tv regulars EJ-5000 and the Gregaman, expect hilarity and of course mouth-noises on this episode of LMAYAQ. Episode Notes and Helpful Things: Break Music – Slave of the Cannibal God Movie Trailer   Let Me Ask You A Question Podcast

Let Me Ask You A Question is a weekly podcast where host Anthony poses various inquiries and sometimes entertains you…sometimes. Joined by Moot.tv regulars EJ-5000 and the Gregaman, Anthony asks questions to push his ideas to the limit and create hilarity along the way. Find us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, or leave us a message at (929) 352-6173.

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