Ep234: The Goon Show – LMAYAQ

LMAYAQ Episode 234 The Goon Show

On this goonin’ episode of LMAYAQ, Host Anthony asks: How do you know when to blame things that make you feel dumb, or when to blame yourself for being dumb? Do you ever get mad at the content creator and think they are dumb? Featuring Producer EJ, expect some random internet searches on this episode of Let Me Ask You A Question! 

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Ep233: Pretend to Portend w/Milo – LMAYAQ

Ep233: Pretend to Portend w/Milo - LMAYAQ

On this episode of LMAYAQ, Milo returns as Host Anthony asks: Do you think anyone has actually portended the future? Not predict, but some sort of magical “seeing of the future?” How is this idea linked to free will? Can free will exist if people can portend the future? Featuring Producer EJ and the Gregaman, expect some combative word uses on this episode of Let Me Ask You A Question! 

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Ep232: North Korean Nipple Holes – LMAYAQ

Ep232: North Korean Nipple Holes - LMAYAQ

On this episode of LMAYAQ, Host Anthony asks: How much do you want someone to know about you by the way you dress? What do you want them to know? Think about you in the current day, but feel free to think about clothes historically or your clothes historically. Featuring Producer EJ as the tailor in tow, expect some casual silliness on this episode of Let Me Ask You A Question! 

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