NSFD&D Episode 2: The Filth and the Fish

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Our would be heroes find themselves tasked with helping their new friend Mikael discover more about the dragon and are introduced to a new companion; The Cleric.  They explore the town before heading off to the South Phandalin Silver Mine, fight their first battle, and do a spot of fishing. 

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EPISODE 2: Alan “AK” Kaufman PART 1 Derek D Dozen Podcast

On this episode of The Derek D Dozen, it’s the first of a 2 part interview with Alan Kaufman, a writer/producer/Fast Lane Daily producer/cancer warrior, and very close friend of Derek D’s. An intriguing look into the sitcom that Derek D & Alan co-wrote together and are currently pitching called “Coppin Stayles”, and their history with the show Fast Lane Daily and what’s happened since then. 

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Let Me Ask You A Question Ep2: Stan from I.T.

Let Me Ask You A Question Ep2: Stan from I.T.

On the second episode of Let Me Ask You A Question, host Anthony asks EJ-5000 and the Gregaman about their desired role in the Wild West, and how you would treat a co-worker who has a full “coming-out-cowboy” experience. What if he wanted to bring the cowboy “thing” to work? What if he thought you were his best-friend?

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