Ep195: Dixie Normus – LMAYAQ

Ep195: Dixie Normus - LMAYAQ

On this special 195th episode of LMAYAQ, Host Anthony asks a few questions, including: Have you ever fallen asleep during a sexual act? If you had Scrabble letters that created something offensive but worth a lot of points, would you use it? Are you willing to offend somebody in a Scrabble game? How much would you be willing to spend on a meal that came on paper plates with disposable cutlery? Joined by Moot.tv regulars Producer EJ and the Gregaman, and a very educational appearance by the Demon, expect more talk of buffets on this episode of Let Me Ask You A Question.


Let Me Ask You A Question PodcastLet Me Ask You A Question is a weekly podcast where host Anthony poses various inquiries and sometimes entertains you…sometimes. Joined by Moot.tv regulars Producer EJ and the Gregaman, Anthony asks questions to push his ideas to the limit and create hilarity along the way. Find us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, or leave us a message at (929) 352-6173.

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