White Wasabi Ep30: Sword Art Online 2 Ep 4 “GGO”

White Wasabi Ep30: Sword Art Online 2 Ep 4 "GGO"

On episode 30 of White Wasabi, SENSEIM@CH, EJ-5000, and the Gregaman discuss the fourth episode of Sword Art Online II, “GGO.” We finally meet Lady Kirita and she made friends of Sinon quick. Kirito wins a bunch of cash from an arcade game and, although he’s played fantasy and driving games, Kirito has never shot a in game gun. After the break the boys discuss some of the new movie previews and nerd out on some superhero tv. All that and more on White Wasabi.

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Let Me Ask You A Question Ep3: A Swarm of Flaming Octopuses

Let Me Ask You A Question Ep3: A Swarm of Flaming Octopuses

On the third episode of Let Me Ask You A Question host Anthony asks, would you ever sleep with a known shapeshifter? What if their true-form was a goat? Would you use them as objects in everyday life? How about if you needed to do a number 2? Joined by EJ-5000 and the Gregaman, expect all that, and of course mouth-noises, on this episode of LMAYAQ.

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White Wasabi Ep29: Sword Art Online 2 Ep 3 “Memories of Fresh Blood”

White Wasabi Ep29: Sword Art Online 2 Ep 3 "Memories of Fresh Blood"

In episode 29 on the podcast known as White Wasabi, SENSEIM@CH, EJ-5000, and the Gregaman discuss the second episode of Sword Art Online II, “Memories of Fresh Blood.” We learn that Asada is afraid of handguns–even literally guns that are hands–but for a good reason. Kyōji and Asada have a conversation meant to throw details at the audience and distract us from the fact that Kyōji is totally DeathGun. The boys get a little personal in the last bit and share some of their life’s working. All that and more on White Wasabi.

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Let Me Ask You A Question Ep2: Stan from I.T.

Let Me Ask You A Question Ep2: Stan from I.T.

On the second episode of Let Me Ask You A Question, host Anthony asks EJ-5000 and the Gregaman about their desired role in the Wild West, and how you would treat a co-worker who has a full “coming-out-cowboy” experience. What if he wanted to bring the cowboy “thing” to work? What if he thought you were his best-friend?

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White Wasabi Ep28: Sword Art Online 2 Ep 2 “Cold-Hearted Sniper”

White Wasabi Podcast Ep28: Sword Art Online 2 Ep 2 "Cold-Hearted Sniper"

In episode 28 on the podcast known as White Wasabi, SENSEIM@CH, EJ-5000, and the Gregaman discuss the second episode of Sword Art Online II, “Cold-Hearted Sniper.” We meet Sinon, another moody teenager with blue hair and a big gun, while she is on an… Continue Reading

Let Me Ask You A Question Ep1: Fire-Up Uncle Pennybags

Let Me Ask You A Question Podcast: Ep1 - Fire-Up Uncle Pennybags

On this, the very first episode of the new Moot.tv podcast series, Let Me Ask You A Question, host Anthony DeAngelis asks EJ-5000 and the Gregaman the age-old question, “would you fire-up some batteries and make your Uncle dance???” Or was it “would you put a bear-trap in a ball-pit?” Maybe it was “would you stuff that same dead uncle?” This one’s interesting for sure.

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White Wasabi Ep27: Sword Art Online 2 Ep 1 “World of Guns”

White Wasabi Ep27: Sword Art Online 2 Ep 1 "World of Guns"

Welcome to season two of the podcast known as White Wasabi, where SENSEIM@CH, EJ-5000, and the Gregaman discuss the first episode of Sword Art Online II, “World of Guns.” A mysterious player named “Death Gun” kills a player in-game with real world repercussions and Kirito has coffee with an old friend. The gents catch up on a few bits from their “summer vacations” and are majorly upset with Suicide Squad. All that and more on White Wasabi.

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Let Me Ask You A Question: Pilot Episode – Roses in a Flowerpot

Let Me Ask You A Question Podcast

On this, the pre-first-inaugural-pilot of the new Moot.tv podcast series, Let Me Ask You A Question, host Anthony DeAngelis asks EJ-5000 and the Gregaman if they would rather receive a dozen roses or give them? What if you had to wink when you handed them out? What if you had to blow a kiss? What if you also got pushed into a flowerpot? Pushing the limits is par for the course.

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