White Wasabi Ep16: Sword Art Online Ep 15 “Return”

White Wasabi Ep16: Sword Art Online Ep 15 "Return"

This week on the podcast known as White Wasabi, SENSEIM@CH, EJ-5000, and Gregaman discuss the fifteenth episode of Sword Art Online, “Return.” Sugu, Suguo, and creepy rocking chairs…need we say more? The guys discuss the new cousin/sister love interest and the new creep-master general while getting sidetracked and cracking wise.

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White Wasabi Ep15: Sword Art Online Mid Season Wrap

White Wasabi

This week on the podcast known as White Wasabi, SENSEIM@CH, EJ-5000, and Gregaman discuss the first half of Sword Art Online. General impressions of the series so far, where things are going, and the countless bonkers strewn throughout the season so far are discussed.

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White Wasabi Ep14: Sword Art Online Ep 14 “The End of the World”

White Wasabi

This week on the podcast known as White Wasabi, SENSEIM@CH, EJ-5000, and Gregaman discuss the fourteenth episode of Sword Art Online, “The End of the World.” Questions are answered and more are raised as the game’s maker reveals himself. The guys struggle to piece together a hypothesis for the show going forward and struggle to complete a full-sentence.

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White Wasabi Ep13: Sword Art Online Ep 13 “Edge of Hell’s Abyss”

White Wasabi

This week on the podcast known as White Wasabi, SENSEIM@CH, EJ-5000, and Gregaman discuss the thirteenth episode of Sword Art Online, “Edge of Hell’s Abyss.” Confusing energy bars, working together, goofy fishing, and a bad-ass battle are all discussed, but not before some non-tangentials and sidetracked hilarity.

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