Kyle Moucha Won’t Shut Up! – S5E25 – Furious Five.

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On this very special episode of Kyle Moucha Won’t Shut Up! the boys look back at the fifth season’s music and beer! Miller Lite faces off with Bud Light, Sam Adams Boston Lager defends its place ranked above Heineken, and Lionshead Deluxe Pilsner scraps against Rolling Rock!

New music from favorites Trey Tuck, Little Teeth, Tim Holehouse, and King Solomon Hicks, PLUS the final single in the brunch EP BubbaChedda!!

And finally, tattooer and friend of the show Domenick Trimboli joins the gang to premier the first Offsite video from Houseboat! Season Five Finale has it all!! For all our podcast listeners we highly recommend visiting the Houseboat YouTube page to get the full experience!!

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KMWSU! Season 5 Episode 13 — Oranges.

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One this special Christmas episode episode of Kyle Moucha Won’t Shut-Up!, Kyle, Zach, and Justin welcome British musician and all around swell gent Tim Holehouse onto the show to discuss his life in music, the differences between Americans and Brits, mental health, and much more! You’re in for a long one this week as the Brunch bois deliver yet another Christmas single (an intergalactic cover version of FELIZ NAVIDAD) plus the title track “Lost” off of Tim Holehouse’s latest release. Enjoy, ya geezers!

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