White Wasabi Ep20: Sword Art Online Ep 19 “The Lugrue Corridor”

White Wasabi Podcast Ep20: Sword Art Online Ep 19 "The Lugrue Corridor"

On this episode of the podcast known as White Wasabi, G-Ballz tells us all about his fresh, new gear, EJ-5000 takes shots of some odd, German liquid, and SENSEIM@CH eats hamburger helper. Aside from the that the boys discuss the nineteenth episode of Sword Art Online, “The Lugrue Corridor.” The guys are impressed with the Salamander squashing action and the step-up in maps but grow fond for the regular obscenities that SAO usually delivers. All that a more!

Episode Notes and Helpful Things:

The Gregaman (@thegregaman on twitter)

The Gregaman


Break Music – Asterix  (NES)  “Rome”


White Wasabi is a weekly podcast where SENSEIM@CHEJ-5000, and the Gregaman take you through an episodic journey of your favorite anime series with a sense of wonder and a sense of humor. Starting with Sword Art Online and featuring occasional guests, White Wasabi brings interesting thoughts to a moot conversation.


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