White Wasabi Ep30: Sword Art Online 2 Ep 4 “GGO”

White Wasabi Ep30: Sword Art Online 2 Ep 4 "GGO"

On episode 30 of White Wasabi, SENSEIM@CHEJ-5000, and the Gregaman discuss the fourth episode of Sword Art Online II, “GGO.” We finally meet Lady Kirita and she made friends of Sinon quick. Kirito wins a bunch of cash from an arcade game and, although he’s played fantasy and driving games, Kirito has never shot a in game gun. After the break the boys discuss some of the new movie previews and nerd out on some superhero tv. All that and more on White Wasabi.

Episode Notes and Helpful Things:
Bare Knuckle Original Soundtrack – SOR Super Mix (Game Gear)

White WasabiWhite Wasabi is a weekly podcast where SENSEIM@CHEJ-5000, and the Gregaman take you through an episodic journey of your favorite anime series with a sense of wonder and a sense of humor. Starting with Sword Art Online and featuring occasional guests, White Wasabi brings interesting thoughts to a moot conversation.


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