LMAYAQ Ep114: A Hard Row to Hoe w/ Sean Arawjo

LMAYAQ Ep114: A Hard Row to Hoe w/ Sean Arawjo

On this episode of LMAYAQ featuring returning guest musician and podcaster extraordinaire Sean Arawjo, host Anthony asks if you were high-level in the cia would you tell people close to you all the secrets? Joined by Moot.tv regular Producer EJ  expect some top heaviness on this edition Let Me Ask You A Question. The break music this week is Pigeon Love by Nellie McKay, Sean Arawjo, and Dave Trum, taken from Episode 18 of Sean and Dave Make Music featuring Nellie McKay. For more with Sean Arawjo check out his website: SeanArawjo.com, or www.persimmonsounds.com, or his podcasts Not Movies at https://notmovies.podbean.com and Sean and Dave Make Music at https://seananddavemakemusic.podbean.com.

Let Me Ask You A Question PodcastLet Me Ask You A Question is a weekly podcast where host Anthony poses various inquiries and sometimes entertains you…sometimes. Joined by Moot.tv regulars Producer EJ and the Gregaman, Anthony asks questions to push his ideas to the limit and create hilarity along the way. Find us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, or leave us a message at (929) 352-6173.

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