Ep200 Part 2: Super Awesome Tobaxxo Extravaganza with Tobacco – LMAYAQ

Ep200 Part 2: Super Awesome Tobaxxo Extravaganza with Tobacco - LMAYAQ Podcast

On this super special part two of the two-part 200th episode of LMAYAQ podcast, Tobaxxo (Black Moth Super Rainbow, Malibu Ken, Demon Queen, etc.) returns as the bois wax poetic about the creative process. They bombard Tom with questions about the creation of his newest album “Hot, Wet and Sassy” and how it relates to past albums, like BMSR’s “Panic Blooms.” Joined by Moot.tv regulars Host Anthony, Producer EJ and the Gregaman, expect a red-wine-time on this episode of Let Me Ask You A Question.

The break music was “Pit” by TOBACCO from Hot, Wet and Sassy, available on Ghostly International here.

For more with TOBACCO or his various projects visit RadCult.net, follow him on Instagram at @toboxxo, on Twitter at @maniacmeat, on YouTube here, or on BandCamp at radcult.bandcamp.com.

And listen to Tobaxxo’s previous visit to Let Me Ask You A Question (Ep179: Tobacco Super Conversation with Tobaxxo) here or the first part of episode 200 here.

Let Me Ask You A Question PodcastLet Me Ask You A Question is a weekly podcast where host Anthony poses various inquiries and sometimes entertains you…sometimes. Joined by Moot.tv regulars Producer EJ and the Gregaman, Anthony asks questions to push his ideas to the limit and create hilarity along the way. Find us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, or leave us a message at (929) 352-6173.

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