KMWSU S:2 Ep:4 – Stand by Lee

Kyle Moucha Wont Shut Up the Podcast

On this episode of Kyle Moucha Won’t Shut Up the guys are joined by local comic book aficionado, and all around wonderful human, Mikey Martino. Listen as we collectively mourn the loss of Stan Lee, discuss if he was a thief or not, and then write some trippy music. Featuring the music of Pittsburgh’s own Stone Cold Killer!

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KMWSU! S:2 Ep:3 – Heyyy, brother.

Kyle Moucha Wont Shut Up the Podcast

On this episode of Kyle Moucha Won’t Shut Up Colorado Jones (AKA Keith Moucha, Puke, Cheif, Lil Pimpin, Not Mitch Hedberg) joins the guys for some folk inspired music, he reviews towns he’s lived in, and we discuss the little cult town Zach and Kyle stayed at, all brought to you by cock rings.  

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KMWSU! S:2 Ep:2 – Softbut

Kyle Moucha Wont Shut Up the Podcast

On this episode of Kyle Moucha Won’t Shut Up it’s Halloween and Kyle is no longer in drag, but he and the guys are joined in studio by Abomination Brewing to drink and talk beer. Featuring music from Chesty Malone and the Slice Em Ups, all on this ep of KMWSU.

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S:2 Ep:1 – Battle Royale with Cheese Part Deux

Kyle Moucha Wont Shut Up the Podcast

Season Two of Kyle Moucha Won’t Shut Up  kicks off with a whirlwind! Giraffe penises, a rap battle response, and some autumnal death metal are just a few of the dozens of topics covered in the season premier of KMWSU.

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Episode 21 – Battle Royale with Cheese Part 1

Kyle Moucha Won't Shut Up! - A Podcast from

On this episode of Kyle Moucha Won’t Shut Up the guys rap up season one with predicting who will be the next celebrity death, the next person to get me too’d and Kyle starts a rap battle with Justin and Zach he can’t possibly win. 

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