Ep:218 Comfortably Uncomfortable with Portia and Carolyn of What In The Word Podcast – LMAYAQ

On this heavily saturated 218th episode of LMAYAQ featuring presenters Portia and Carolyn of the podcast What In The Word, Host Anthony asks: Are there things that make most people uncomfortable that don’t seem to bother you? Are there things that should make you comfortable that instead make you uneasy? Joined by Moot.tv regular Producer EJ, expect wet- suits, pants, and boots on this episode of Let Me Ask You A Question.

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Ep:217 Meat Virginia with Producer Jon Lullo – LMAYAQ

Ep:217 Meat Virginia with Producer Jon Lullo Let Me Ask You A Question Title Card

On this pie-eyed 217th episode of LMAYAQ featuring Producer / Writer/ Musician Jon Lullo (Crush Pictures), Host Anthony asks: When you are drinking (getting drunk), do you become more yourself or less yourself? Is there a point where it shifts? Is the “you” always the same you? Joined by Moot.tv regulars the Gregaman and Producer EJ, expect slurred words and verbally flipping-the-birds on this episode of Let Me Ask You A Question.

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